I love my parents from the bottom of my heart! If you understand what I was saying then you would agree on me that these are the people that will be there for you despite all the wrong doings of yours, all the dumb questions you've asked (questions that you wouldn't ask your friends afraid that they will laugh at you) , the only people you can be 100% transparent with.
Why this post about your parents you might ask and I'll tell you later in this post. When I look back at my past, I was always the pampered child compared to my elder brother. We fought a lot and my brother was jealous how my parents treated me. Up till today, I still hear the phrase that I was treated way better compared how my brother was. Of course, I've learnt to stand on my feet but I find it hard at times realising how I was so used to things that were taken care by my parents. I told myself to get rid of all these pampered habits and learn to be independent. I want to tell my brother one day that I can really stand on my own and facing the challenges in life, showing my parents that I've turned out great. That's what I want to achieve.
This is truly what I want to express today and the reason why this post is because of the movie "Brave" . Some might say its a so-so or an outdated storyline. But for me, it speaks right through my heart and I can so relate to it. Adding to that, was the lovely animation(credits to all hard working techies) and the soundtracks in the movie!! Believe it or not, I've already downloaded the whole album and it's good. I literally tried Soundtracking it with my phone in the cinema itself. That's how good it is. Give it a watch though. You might or might not like it but for me...It was AWESOME!
Here's my favourite song in the movie!
Family: I have no choice in which family to born in and yet I will never trade anything or anyone for the one I have now.